Student Solution


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– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Gorman and McLean ch 4

Gorman and McLean ch 4

Q For full credit on the reading response, submit a 300-400 word response to the assigned reading, which should be approached from a critical perspective. You can pose a question about the reading and attempt an answer, you can analyze the author’s interpretation, use of evidence, or approach to the subject matter, or you can use information from the class to examine an idea expressed in the reading in more detail. The important thing is to approach the readings from a critical perspective and ask questions about how the historian has structured the reading and approached the subject matter. These will be submitted on blackboard via SafeAssign, which is the plagiarism tool.

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Chapter 4 discussed how during 1920s, radio became one of the main mediums of communication. Although radio broadcasting first started as a way of entertainment for the private homes, it gradually became more than that. Herbert Hoover noted that this sudden popularity of the radio broadcasting is considered as one of the most astonishing things that have ever happened to America. Radio gradually became one of the most effective tools of communication and a political tool to execute political propaganda (p. 49). People realized that radio is a fast and effective way of communication and reaching to many people at the same time and they realized how powerful radio broadcasting can be in order to influence people’s mind regarding political matters